Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Homemade & Homegrown

    So with Christmas coming up, I have been pondering what to buy for our families and friends. Living 50 miles from a grocery store and gas station means there is no Target, no Macys, and no Walmart. I have had to really think "outside the box"  and get creative about my Christmas planning. I have decided that I am going to give our families and friends "everything from scratch" gift baskets. One thing that I am very excited to share is that here on McGreer Century Farms we grow Whole Wheat! Eric and his coworkers till the dirt, plant the seeds, care for it while it grows, and harvest it at the end of the season. I have been so fortunate to watch and help with this amazing process and have decided to start grinding my own  whole wheat. I have purchased a Kitchen Aid Wheat Grinder attachment to go onto to my kitchen Aid mixer. I'm simple enough to grind my own wheat, but not by hand. Eric has saved me a huge huge barrel of wheat where i take it and pour cup by cup into the grinder and grind it into whole wheat flour. To keep its oxidants and freshness I then immediately put it into the freezer until I use it. It is very healthy and all homegrown. You can't get any better than that.  I have attached a link to this amazing attachment and a picture of a semi final product.

Counterfeit Farm Girl,

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